20th May - 1st June 2024


Audience Award Results Announced!

The votes have been counted and verified and the results are in...

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New Audience Award!

Vote for your favourite show(s)!

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Shows with live music!

Good grooves take every performance to the next level.

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Shows to see with your family

You don’t need to call your babysitter, we have funny shows for your whole family! Guaranteed!

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Shows to see when you need nothing but laughs

...but it doesn't mean that’s all you get!

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Shows for theatre geeks

When you enjoy the details

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Shows to see when you’re definitely not a hipster

Quirky, weird, progressive, unusual

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Brand-new, never-seen-before shows!

This year we’ve got more new shows than ever before. Catch them here first!

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Shows to catch after a long day at work

Everybody needs to relax

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